Senseless Chatter with Minimal Splatter

Friday, December 01, 2006

Deck The House! Part 4

So, it all began back in August. I wanted the exterior of my house to be uniquely decorated for Christmas, and I wanted to make everything myself. This is the "doorflake," a.k.a. the prototype. If everything worked with this one, I would embark on the full-scale project...

...which brings us to snowflakes like these. Five different flake designs, three different sizes, 15 snowflakes in total...and none of them are the same! This one's probably my favorite. It's 4' tall. The one directly behind it is 3' tall.

And, here's the whole thing! I couldn't quite get all of them in the picture, but trust me, they're all there! Oh, and there's the outside of my house! Why is my Escape not in the garage? Because the garage is still covered in wood scraps and paint tarps from the project. ;)

Were you wondering what the yellow sign was all about? Well, I had an extra piece of plywood left over, and I wanted to do something fun with it. My favorite part, of course, is the image of the car. There's something very "Looney Tunes" about a big snowflake crashing on your vehicle. :D


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