Senseless Chatter with Minimal Splatter

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Place Your Bets

So, we're just under one year from the 2008 Presidential Election. Hip hip hooray. Let me say that I don't care for politics at all. Nonetheless, I agree that it's important to study the issues and find out which candidate best aligns with your views.

In the spirit of such research, here's a very handy quiz I found at It takes the most topical issues in the political realm these days and allows you to choose a viewpoint that best aligns with your own. Then, it does all the hard work for you and matches your views with all the major Presidential candidates. You can weigh each question, depending on how strongly you feel about it, so it's about as good a tool as I've found to help sift through all the candidates.

Go To The Quiz Here