Senseless Chatter with Minimal Splatter

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Picking and Choosing

The Family Research Council is one of several groups that typically speak up politically on behalf of Christians in the U.S. And, many times, I find myself wincing at what they say. Honestly, I'm uncomfortable with the extent that faith mingles with politics. Sure, faith influences beliefs, which in turn influence stances on issues, but I think that faith too often lowers itself to meet politics on politics' home turf.

Anyway, I was reading an interview with Tony Perkins, the president of the FRC, and he was commenting on the current field of presidential candidates. He said this, "The Republican Party has staked out the ground in terms of defending human life." I thought to myself, "Really?" Now, don't get me wrong, Republicans certainly stand up against abortion, but they sure stand up far less against the death penalty. And, why do they do that? Because Christians take the same stance. We do...and it's shameful. I've heard so many Christian speakers talk on the "sanctity of life," without ever mentioning capital punishment, which leaves the impression that some lives are worth saving and others aren't. Ultimately, that's not our call to make. Not at all. Moreover, the phrase, "sanctity of life," sure takes on a different meaning in a time of war, doesn't it? Please don't misunderstand; I fall prey to the same subjectivity as well. None of us can escape it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's wrong.

As time goes on, one of my most sincere prayer requests is that I see things a little more like God sees them. I sure have a long way to go...we all do.


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