Senseless Chatter with Minimal Splatter

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Safety Stash

I'd been wanting to do this post for about a week now, but I wanted to finish the Japan blogposts first. (If you haven't read them, then READ THEM! Even though they're kinda long...)

Anyway, I read an interesting article in Mental Floss that talked about the different items that people intentionally buy lots in, when they're at Wal-Mart, they buy 5 or 6 or 20 of the same thing, just to make sure they're never caught without them.

When I read the article, the item that instantly popped into my head (oddly enough) was my deodorant: Speed Stick - Active Fresh. When I run low, I don't buy a single replacement, or even two. It's usually about 6. Why? Well, on two separate occasions, Wal-Mart briefly stopped carrying it, and I had to grudgingly switch to another deodorant...only to find my old deodorant back on the shelves when I needed to replenish again. I guess I'm not the only one who likes it. :)

Still, it's an odd feeling when I'm tossing 6 of the same deodorant into the shopping cart; I feel weird, since there's no good reason to hoard deodorant, but at the same time I feel relieved, since it will be many months before the threat of discontinued deodorant rears its head again.

I tried to think of any other items that I treat the same way, but no others came to mind. I mean, I do always buy a couple of 3-packs of soap when I'm about to run out, but it definitely doesn't feel over-the-top to do so. And, when it comes to food, there are plenty of things that I always like having around (Nature Valley granola bars, Pringles, and Dr. Pepper, for example), but I don't create emergency back-ups of them, just in case.

What about you? Do you have any intentional "safety stashes" of toiletries or food items or anything else in your cabinets?


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